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Jennifer Weigel

Creative Clarification Coaching


There are a lot of programs, organizations and workshops & classes devoted to the business, legal & marketing aspects of having a career in the arts, but there is not as much focus on helping visual artists better articulate what they do and why. Many artists are overwhelmed when trying to write an artist’s statement about their work or speak about their current projects, and some even dread critique, criticism and rejection to the point where it cripples opportunity.  But, in order to compete for grants, shows and other endeavors, all artists must be able to explain themselves and their work.


Although there are resources available to help artists with these topics, some artists are still excluded because of tight schedules, transportation difficulties, specific needs and questions that may or may not be addressed in the group setting, their own insecurities about asking for help and/or feeling out of their “league”, and more.  So there is a need for individual consultation and more specific services catering to individuals’ needs, and it is my hope to offer such assistance.

Available for




Jennifer Weigel Art

Jennifer Weigel Projects

Jennifer Weigel Public Art

Jennifer Weigel Words

Jennifer Weigel Resume


Residing In

Kansas, USA


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"Jennifer Weigel is among the most thoughtful and articulate instructors I have met.  Although I have not taken a class from Jennifer, I have had the great fortune to be in a critics group with her.  She has always had helpful comments about everyone’s work.  Even when a piece is not good, she is able to give suggestions in a positive way.  Artists have used her direction and come back with very good pieces.  I think this evolution occurs firstly, because Jennifer is able to see the value and possibilities in a work.  Secondly, she is able to see and articulate how the piece can be improved."


- Kacey Cowdery, Fiber Artist

“I attended a Third Thursday critique session at 2ndStory Space in Maplewood, MO. I received very valuable feedback about my work but perhaps even more importantly the session was a real emotional boost. It's stimulating to be with other artists in a creative space and enjoy their ideas and vibrancy...  Jennifer Weigel... is also available for individual and group consulting services for artists seeking critique, discussion, networking, professional presentation, writing and other input. She has great insight and an abundance of helpful ideas both conceptual and practical.”


- Carolyn Hasenfratz, Artist



"Artist Jennifer Weigel has turned her Maplewood studio into a gathering space for artists and art lovers, and her generosity is addictive...  In opening up her studio for group fun, Weigel deserves kudos. She's turned a private chamber of intellectual ferment into a place for her fellow artists to grok. It's a big-hearted move."


- Byron Kerman, Writer


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